Sunday, January 25, 2009


Do you ever just get confused, forget who you are, what the point of it all is? I think the enemy is messing with me again, prayers are much appreciated. My house is a mess, and its COLD and church is the pits lately. I am however, finding if i take my nausea medicine that my blech-ness is somewhat manageable. I went to an AMAZING women's conference yesterday, and it was great. I felt bad leaving dh with the kids all day. Then again, i guess i have them all day every OTHER day. I was excited to see Lisa Whelchel in person, (commonly known as "Blair" from the Facts of Life) But at the same time it was strangely creepy, because in person, she looks almost EXACTLY like my stepmother! Whole nother can of worms i didn't wish to think about. :-) Nah... mostly made peace with her. Why does life have to be so complicated. Andy's work is officially not doing transfers anymore, till the economy improves so my desire to run away to southern oregon and hide from my problems isn't happening. But i suppose God has me here for a reason. And logic tells me that reason isn't just to be really really mean to me. Sigh... tomorrow will be a better day.

1 comment:

Arrow said...

Does that mean you are not going there in April? Or were you trying to move? What happened at church?